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Tuesday 16 July 2013

Day 04 - Wuthering Feet in the Hot Eyre!

Hebden Bridge to Haworth

Today's miles - 12.7

Today's Ascent - 2933 feet

Today's Descent - 2516 feet

Total Miles so far - 58.4

Star Team Member: Sherpa Dad for detouring to bring us cold drinks.

Today was really enjoyable, if a bit too hot! It it funny, when I am walking all I want is for the sun to come out, and when it does, I complain that it is too hot! We left the lovely little town of Hebden Bridge at about 10 o'clock, to set off for Bronte Country.

We walked along the canal, with its queer boats and many locks, in the hot sun. Paddy had a splash in the water before we turned right to cross the road and start the uphill climb out of the valley.
Walking along the canal at Hebden Bridge

The path ascended steeply upwards through ferns and nettles; it was like a jungle. Both Mam and Dad got stung by the tall nettles (another couple of injuries to add to our long list!), and I was lucky not to get stung. My walking stick acted as sort of a machete, pinning back the long weeds and grass. We plodded onwards to reach a mini valley and I went ahead with Paddy to cool him down in the river, while Sherpa Dad and Organiser Mam took their time down the steps to the river.

Cooling down at Colden

After our rest at Colden we continued onwards. We saw a sign for 'May's Aladdin's Cave' selling cold drinks. We managed to persuade Dad to go and get us some, while Mam and I walked ahead. Cloudy lemonade, Diet Coke and Ribena were greatly appreciated in the baking hot sun!
A much needed cold drink!

We walked down to a river where we stopped for our lunch, a very nutrition, strawberries and chocolate, from Hebden Bridge Co-op. We made Pads go in the stream as it was hot and we knew he would appreciate it afterwards. I took off my boots and cooled my feet off in the river, that was lovely.

We walked onwards after lunch (you could call it that!) towards some reservoirs. We got Lower Walshaw Reservoir to find all the water had been drained and it was empty, but continuing on to Upper Walshaw it was full and clean and Paddy was more than happy to swim about in it.

We climbed up to the top of Withins Height, on the way passing some diggers laying down some handy limestone paving slabs.

On top of Withins Height

At the top of the hill there were some ruins of an old farm, that were supposedly the base for Emily Bronte's famous book, Wuthering Heights. Haworh was only a couple of miles away, and we passed lots of tourists following the Bronte trail, with signs pointing the way in both English and Japanese!

From here it was an easy stroll down to our accommodation for the night, just outside Haworth.

I have to say, it was a bit strange walking through Bronte country in the sun! Throughout the books the Bronte's describe the moors as dark and mysterious, but in the sun they looked beautiful, and the total opposite as described in the books.
Walking down to Haworth

Dad has just broken the news that tomorrow is actually 12 miles, not the promised mere 8 that Mam and I were looking forward to, so I better take my lead from Paddy (who has been in a deep sleep from 6 o'clock onwards) and head to bed. I don't have the energy to tell Dad he has let us down and that I am not too pleased with him as he has continuously said to Mam and I "Get through the first 4 days and then there is an easy 8 miler", but rest assured he will know tomorrow.

Highlight of the day: Sitting by the river in the sun eating strawberries and choc.

Thank you for reading this post, see you tomorrow,

A very tired Caitlin, and dog in deep sleep :-) 

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