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Thursday, 8 August 2013


I thought I would write a post looking back on my Pennine Way journey at some of the highs and lows. So, here it is!

I am going to start with a topic that the British love to talk about- the weather. I think it would be unfair to say we had bad weather on our journey, but that heat at the beginning of our walk was too much to handle!
The arrival of the much needed cool drinks! (Day 04 Hebden Bridge to Haworth)
The heat was blisteringly hot and we all suffered, Paddy especially. We were finding it hard in our wick-away tops and thin trousers, but he must have been really struggling in his thick, black fur coat. To touch it was very hot, and on the first few days there were little opportunities to cool him down in the river or stream.
Taking a break at the CLOSED pub in Lothersdale (Day 05 Haworth to Thornton in Craven)

The second week of walking was perfect- not to cold, nor the blistering heat we were used to, and by that time we were used to the routine; eat, sleep, eat ,walk. But on day 13 coming into Dufton the heavens opened and we got drenched, with 0.5 miles to go. On the last day we had torrential rain coming up and down Windy Gyl but the sun was shining when we walked into Kirk Yetholm.
Togged up for the rain (Day 22 Barrowburn to Kirk Yetholm)
 So, overall, the weather was good!

Next I am going to write about our favourite day, and our least favourite day. We all agree that the best day was Day 12, Middleton in Teesdale to Langdon Beck. It was a short day and Teesdale was at it's best. Teesdale was probably the closest to home, but this wasn't why we enjoyed it so much. The Tees was beautiful in the sun and Pads had lots of chances to dip in, the wild flowers and long grass were stunning and Low and High Force were, as always, spectacular.
"Onwards to Kirk Yetholm!" The stone sheep
 Oh yeah, and the stone sheep on the way were fun too! (Paddy looks a bit confused!)

The Tees with its wild flower banks
Our least favourite day Day 06, Thornton in Craven to Malham. If you remember correctly, the day with the many encounters with the wild beasts of the Pennines. it was a nightmare! It was only 11.5 miles, but it just took us forever, as we were constantly slowed down by the evil things. It is fair to say, that day 06, left our milk tasting sour! (Get it?!) 

Up next is the low point; that bog! If you are reading this now thinking ;Which bog?', then go back to day 20, Bellingham to Byrness and read that post. Oh yes, that was one mean bog. 1 and 1/2 hours of trudging through sludge, squelching boots and low spirits. Of course, Paddy was loving every minute of frolicking back and forth in the mud, but I am sorry to say, not us. I have no picture to show you of the man eating bog, as it may burn your eyes, it is so horrendously ugly. 

We all absolutely loved Cauldrons Snout (or Cauldrons Spout as Mam calls it?!) and High Cup Nick into Dufton, these were our high points. We all agreed that Cauldrons Snout was far superior to the two, more famous waterfalls seen on the previous day. It was really beautiful, the water billowed down and then fanned out at the bottom, giving a fuller effect that High Force. Slightly less beautiful, was the steep climb up the side to follow...

                       Cauldrons Snout
High Cup Nick was also spectacular. We had a great day for it so could see for miles, and the way the two hills sweeped down to meet at the river was stunning. 
High Cup
Another great feeling was the top of Cross Fell. It was great to know we had made it to the highest point and if, that is a big if, we made it to Garygill, Dad thought we stood a chance of making it. 
Top of Cross Fell (Day 14 Dufton to Garygill)

Upon reflecting back on my Pennine Way journey, I am filled with happy memories. I had a great time, and despite the low points (crying on the yellow brick road!) I can honestly say I had a great time. I am enjoying 11 0'clock lie ins, and getting my books back (too heavy to carry, and lets be frank, e-books are really not the same!), and the most strenuous walking I have done is from the sofa to turn the TV on! Walking for me clears the mind and refreshes me, and it's a great way to exercise (and eat what you want guilt free!) and spend time with your family. So, i encourage you to get out there and do some walking! It doesn't have to be the Pennine Way, it could just be walking the dog, but the benefits you feel are great.

 I can tell you that Paddy slept the whole day back at home, but I have been taking him for lots of walks to the field. He was very excited when he saw me on Tuesday- sorry Pads, no 16 mile walk for you today!  
A big thank you to everyone who sponsored me, but also to everyone who made the effort to come and see us along the way- your support really made all the difference!

So, thanks again for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed it. I am running out of inspirational quotes to end on so it will just have to be me saying thanks and a few nice pictures! 

Thanks again,

Caitlin xxx 

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